As I mentioned in a previous
post, I will be doing a series of posts on issues surrounding monetary
policy implementation. I already broached
the concept of monetary policy implementation vs. strategy, an understanding of
which I think is critical for delving deeper into this topic, including what’s
contained within this post.
Below, I summarize Bindseil’s account of the history of the
debate surrounding the optimal approach to monetary policy implementation. Many
of the people and ideas contained within will be familiar to those interested
in this topic, but the historical arc along which they appear may be less widely known. Bindseil relies on
an extensive set of primary and secondary sources. However, these views are not
necessarily unique to Bindseil. I’d imagine Post-Keynesians would give similar
accounts, and likely have. I’d also emphasize at the outset that this is a 4
page summary of ~34 pages of Bindseil’s work. Bindseil obviously provides much more
argumentation, citation, and quotation than I do here. Moreover, this topic is
returned to throughout his ~250 page book.
Interest Rates Win in
the Pre-1914 World
Bindseil traces the monetary policy implementation debate as
far back as the 18th century. There were two key questions. One – is
it possible for interest rates and/or monetary aggregates to be the operational
targets of monetary policy? Two – if both can be targeted, which approach is optimal?
Henry Thornton, acknowledged as one of the most advanced
monetary policy theorists prior to the 20th century, published an argument in 1802
that was in favor of interest rates as operational targets. (Interestingly, he further argued that the central
bank should align the interest rate with what Wicksell would eventually describe
as the ‘natural rate.’)
Towards the end of the 1800s, most British bankers and
academics ultimately became convinced of this view: central bank policy meant targeting interest rates, regardless of what the end strategy was. However, it
wasn’t an easy road getting to this consensus (and it would be overturned in the
20th century).
In the 1800s, Britain’s financial economy revolved around
bills of exchange, which were essentially forms of short-term debt that firms
would issue to finance their operations. Holders of bills of exchange could
take them to banks if they at some point wanted to hold cash instead. The bank
would “discount” the bills for some amount of cash less than their face value.
Banks in turn could go to other banks to "rediscount" the bills if they themselves also needed cash or reserves. This activity led to a market discount rate. If the banking system as a whole was ultimately short of reserves, they could seek recourse at the Bank of England. The Bank of England's discount rate to banks was called "Bank rate." Separate from "Bank rate" discounts, the Bank of England would also participate in the bills of exchange market more broadly, directly offering investors discounts at rates competitive with the market rate of interest. The big questions were whether the BoE
could unilaterally set this rate, whether 'Bank rate' led or followed the
market discount rate, and if the BoE could 'make bank rate effective' (i.e., drive the market rate to the bank rate). These were very contentious issues. At first, the BoE argued it
followed rather than led, not wanting to upset a market that at the time viewed such
proactive interference of the Bank as distortionary and unfair (actually, not
much has changed…).
Then, in the latter half of the 1800s, along came Walter
Bagehot. In Bagehot’s mind, the recurrent financial crises that Britain had
been experiencing throughout the 1800s were in actuality avoidable, products of
a misunderstanding surrounding the nature of central banking and monetary
economics. In 1873, Bagehot published Lombard
Street, a book that would change the face of central banking forever. In Lombard Street, Bagehot explained that
money markets are inherently unstable when left alone by central banks. This results
from the combination of an inelastic supply of reserves with the elastic nature
of credit, such that slight excesses or deficiencies in the quantity of reserves
can lead to extreme fluctuations in interest rates. In other words, if there are
insufficient reserves, rates will shoot to the sky and the payment system may
fail; or if there are excess reserves, rates will plummet to 0%. This
volatility would be a permanent feature of the market were it not for central
banks. As such, Bagehot argued that the central bank should accommodate the
market’s need for reserves at some price in order to avoid this volatility. In
other words, Bagehot was saying that the central bank can and should target interest
rates. The most famous takeaway from Lombard Street is that central banks should act as lenders of last
resort to banks during crises, lending indiscriminately but at a high rate and against
good collateral.
With Lombard Street,
Bagehot temporarily won the argument for what some call the ‘bank rate school,’
or the school of thought that views interest rates as the preferred, if not fundamental,
operational target for central banks. In addition to coherent theory, the Bank
of England’s implementation of Bagehot’s recommendations gave his argument
concrete evidence.
Quantity Theorists
Take Over for Most of the 20th Century
In opposition to the bank rate school arose a new class of quantity
theorists who viewed monetary aggregates as the preferred operational target of
central banks.
Bindseil traces the resurgence of the quantity view to the
synergistic effect of two academic contributions. The first is Irving Fisher’s
popularization of the quantity theory of
money (QTM) in his 1911 paper The
Purchasing Power of Money. The QTM is often summarized by the equation
MV=PY. The second was C.A. Phillips’ 1920 ‘discovery’ of a relationship between
the quantities of bank reserves and the quantity of bank deposits, referred to
as the ‘money multiplier.’ Philips’ work and others’ worked magically together
as they seemed to link the QTM with monetary policy implementation. The
reasoning was that since the CB can affect the quantity of reserves via open
market operations, they can therefore influence credit creation by impacting
the level of excess reserves, which would then stimulate more lending. This line
of thinking would eventually be labeled under the ‘reserve position doctrine.’ Any
student of economics is aware of the money multiplier story. Indeed, it has
dominated economics textbooks for the past 70 years around the world. Bindseil
notes that Mishkin (2004) still devotes forty pages to it.
Of course, as will be argued, the balance of the debate has
shifted in recent years. Indeed, Bindseil, Post-Keynesians, and recent mainstream
research reject this view of the so-called money multiplier. I found this
anecdotal observation from Bindseil interesting:
“This is in marked contrast to central bank practice. At least since joining central banking in 1994, the author has never heard any reference to the money multiplier in internal discussions on policy decisions or in public announcements from central banks, in particular with regards to open market operations.”
In any case, Bindseil notes that there was much focus on monetary
aggregates long before the development of monetarism in the 1950s and 1960s.
Bindseil cites many primary sources from academics and the central bank to support
this notion. Surprisingly, Bindseil identifies Keynes as one important
contributing factor the success of quantity theorists. Bindseil notes that
Keynes attacked the bank rate school in the second volume of his Treatise on Money (1930) for their focus
on interest rates as opposed to money aggregates. Keynes called this the ‘orthodox
doctrine in England.’ Specifically, he criticized the idea that the ultimate purpose
of open market operations, which alters monetary aggregates, is to effectuate
the central bank’s interest rate policy. Keynes believed OMOs had independent
and significant impacts on the economy. Bindseil states that Keynes was also
the first to argue that changes of reserve requirements should be used as a
monetary policy instrument, an idea that came to dominate monetary policy
theory until the 1970s.
Then came Milton Friedman and the monetarists. Friedman argued that OMOs alone are a sufficient tool for monetary policy implementation, and that standing facilities and reserve requirements could be done away with. Friedman in general gave little attention to interest rates, and in select papers, Bindseil notes that Friedman argued that interest rates as operational targets are neither possible nor desirable.
Then came Milton Friedman and the monetarists. Friedman argued that OMOs alone are a sufficient tool for monetary policy implementation, and that standing facilities and reserve requirements could be done away with. Friedman in general gave little attention to interest rates, and in select papers, Bindseil notes that Friedman argued that interest rates as operational targets are neither possible nor desirable.
Bindseil quotes several passages from Friedman along these
lines and identifies what he sees as flaws. He also notes that a Friedman-like
view of monetary policy implementation is still prevalent today, referring
again to Mishkin’s popular textbook but also to Allan Meltzer’s history of the
Fed. Bindseil quotes several relevant passages from both authors, and
highlights several errors in his eyes, including the conflation of monetary
policy strategy with monetary policy implementation (this comes up a lot).
Poole’s 1970 Error that
Sends Monetary Economists Down a Rabbit Hole
Bindseil argues that Poole’s (1970) model of optimal
monetary policy instrument choice is what likely drove economists’ belief in
the ability to control monetary quantities in the 1970s and 1980s. As I’ve
detailed above, prior to Poole, the monetary policy implementation debate
mainly placed interest rates in opposition to quantities. Poole’s supposed
major breakthrough in his 1970 paper was that either target could be suitable
but depended on “the stochastic structure of the economy, and that a
combination policy was likely to be the best approach.” Bindseil reviews Poole’s
model and logic, acknowledging its simplicity and elegance, and explains that monetary
economists would in the following decades look to develop more mathematically sophisticated
variants of Poole’s model to help in the instrument-choice problem of monetary
However, Bindseil then proceeds to point out several flaws
in Poole’s paper, and notes that the eventual academic return to interest rates
as operational targets in the 1990s actually happened without reference to
Poole. Bindseil argues the flaws in Poole (1970) stem from a conflation between
the concepts of instruments, operational targets, and intermediate targets. As
a result, Bindseil says that Poole fails to distinguish between short-term and
long-term interest rates; reserve market quantities and monetary aggregates;
and macroeconomic shocks and reserve market shocks. Ultimately, the problem is
that Poole’s model simply assumes that central banks can control monetary
aggregates on a day-to-day basis, an operational
possibility that does not exist according to Bindseil, many central bankers,
and academics around the world. (Later in the book, Bindseil does acknowledge
and explain that in some sense, central banks can control reserve aggregates
under an excess reserve policy. However, Bindseil’s discussion of Poole and
Poole’s paper do not assume this type of regime.)
Nonetheless, monetarists finally got their way, when from
1979-1982, the Fed explicitly attempted to target monetary quantities. Theory
finally got put into practice. As it turns out, the experiment is widely
regarded by most as an abysmal failure. Interest rates were extremely volatile,
and even the quantities were as well. I am told the success of this experiment is
still debated in some circles, although it does seem there is a general
consensus that the experiment simply did not work. After all, the Fed abandoned
it. It seemed that intermediate or final targets were the only candidate roles
left for monetary aggregates to play. Bindseil puts it as such: “… a
clear sequence remains: first the observation of news on the appropriate monetary
policy stance (for example, news on monetary quantities), and then the decision
to adjust the operational target, namely, the short-term interest rate, such as
to bring the (intermediate) target variable back on track.”
Bindseil observes the lasting influence of Poole (1970), by
for exampling noting the emphasis that Walsh’s 2003 textbook places on it. All
in all, Bindseil concludes that the quantity view of monetary policy
implementation lacks coherent micro-foundations and especially a model of bank
behavior in the interbank market. He also believes the empirical research to be
flawed, “mixing macroeconomic and microeconomic times series and shocks of
different significance and frequency.”
The Interest Rate
A trickle of work in the 1980s starts to re-emphasize
interest rates as monetary policy targets. Bindseil cites McCallum, Barro, Judd
and Motley, and Taylor. Then in the late 1990s, it becomes apparent that the new
approach to modeling monetary policy implementation revolves around the steering
of interest rates. Bindseil cites Hamilton; Bartolini, Bertola, and Prati;
Woodford; Ayuso and Repullo. Bindseil also highlights Woodford’s comments in Interest and Prices regarding the significant
errors academics have made in the past with respect to modeling monetary policy
implementation. (I was delighted to see this, as I recognized this here
as well.)
Ironically, some of these modern approaches borrow from a
paper Poole wrote in 1968, which proposed a simple but effective model that
seemed to be discarded after Poole (1970). In general, Bindseil argues that in contrast
to the old ‘Bank rate’ lit, the literature of today models much more convincingly
the way in which central bank’s control interest rates, with the help of modern
mathematical tools. Nonetheless, we’ve essentially returned to a consensus view
that was held more than a century ago, having taken a detour
through most of the 1900s.
Bindseil emphasizes that understanding the microeconomics of
the reserve market is crucial to understanding modern day-to-day monetary
policy implementation. He identifies only a sparse collection of academic research
in this area throughout the 1900s. It wasn’t until the 1990s that this line of
research built a strong corpus of work. This may be in part why it took so long
for the interest rate view to again dominate academia. Indeed, Bindseil asserts
that the new micro literature on this topic has unambiguously “demystified” the
differences between the various instruments of monetary policy implementation (e.g.,
OMOs, standing facilities, reserve requirements) and has made clear that they
all work together to achieve a target interest rate.
And so here we stand.
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